Saturday, January 01, 2005

Poly Confusion....

A lot has happened with Bill the Dom since I came home. He has for all intents and purposes been a rock of stability in my life. He lives in New Jersey....and I really don't understand what is going on between us, but I know that thus far he has a good thing for me.

Shortly after I got home, Bill and I got into a big fight. He told me he was not monogamous. I was hurt, sad and pissed. If it is a one night stand, okay....thats fine....but let it be just that....don't add injury to insult.

I am bisexual...I like women....ALOT :) But, I want to be in a committed relationship with one person....if we happen to have an open relationship, that is cool....but ya got to talk about that shit first, and have an understanding. So, not being conservative bitch here....I am as much of a whore as the next gal :)

So, he tell me he has another sub. His vision is to have a loving poly relationship with 2 or 3 women. WOW....that is deep. I could see myself in a LOVING relationship with a man and another woman....but not sure about 3 girls....that is a lot of pussy, menstral cramps, PMS etc.

Even though I am hurt he wasnt up front with him, I couldn't help but keep liking him. He told me why he didn't tell me...and I understood that.

We continued talking. I got to the point of being genuinly interested in his sub. He told me about her. So, Thursday night, I check email to get a very sweet message from her. We talk a bit in an instant message. She is a really cool person. She calls me. Even better. I am naturally shy, she was great. She is 21....I am 23. She is mature for her age. I really like her. Bill arrives at her house. She has to go. We say good bye, and she will call me later. I look forward to it.


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