Saturday, December 11, 2004

I shave my hair...

I Shave My Hair

for I am not you, as you are not I
I shave my hair for I am no better than you, as you are no better than I
I shave my hair for those thousand moments where I am
judged as a woman
judged as long flowing tresses breasts and ass
condemned as silent not following the groove freak
condemned as a label that a stranger slaps upon my being
tortured as a woman
tortured as a human
I rid myself of the physical notability in hopes
that you may view the inner beauty and pain and breath
I rid myself in the hopes that you may rid yourself of the assumptioms
I rid myself so you may feel my humanness
I expose myself dreaming that you may do the same
I expose myself and pray.

a poem taken from : I Am Beautiful, A Celebration of Women in Their Own Words

Yes, I shave my hair. Why you may ask? Well, that is for another blog...maybe this weekend. I haven't had hair for about 10 years now. I generally wear a bandana...(I am known within my circle of friends as the girl that always wears one all the time.)
I don't really miss my hair. Sometimes I think it might be cool to go to get it cut....but hey, I can live without that in my life.

There is a whole following of fetishists that are into bald women....not my thing, but cool.

I love being bald. It goes along with not conforming to what people think is right. The phrase "bald is beautiful" is very true in my eyes.


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